America's packaged food industry is growing by the day and with trends constantly changing, a number of companies have decided to go the extra mile as they explore methods that will tend to their customers' demands.

Over the past couple of years, consumers have been leaning on healthier food with higher nutritional content. While some food giants such as Campbell's and Kraft struggled to adapt to consumer demand, smaller companies found it easier to adjust, Forbes reported.

One of the smaller food providers that continues to leverage consumer trends by packaging food that is healthier and allergy-free is The Jackfruit Company. A global leader in jackfruit products, the company sources its products from over 1,000 farming families in Southern India.

CEO Annie Ryu said the company has learned to accept challenges and not be surprised by them. She explained that over the years, it has been part of the company's routine to overcome trials such as changing food trends.

Another company that has been providing organic products to a healthier, more aware market is Hope Foods. Over the past years, the food provider has been producing organic hummus and guacamole that allowed its growth rate to blow up by 20 percent in 2018.

CEO Robert Rech said building Hope Foods came with one of the most common challenges that other food brands are faced with: copycats. For Rech, the company's mission of "making the world a better place" through nutritional products is enough to keep it growing as the year's pass.

Finally, Partake Foods, a firm that only started August of 2017, has its cookies and allergy-friendly snacks displayed in over 100 stores across the United States. To cater to the booming vegan community, the company founded by Denise Woodward only produces snacks that are free of common allergens such as dairy, nuts, or eggs.

 Meanwhile, the global packaged food industry is expected to keep growing within the next couple of years. A recent Allied Market Research report predicted that through innovative methods that fit the taste of consumers, food businesses could bring in $3 trillion dollars to the global economy.

In the report, researchers recommended that business owners should keep exploring consumer-inclined innovations, especially for a generation that seeks food that has plant-based proteins.

The report further stressed the importance of investing in startups that indicate a clear and solid passion in the field of providing packaged food that is not only relevant to the target market but also nutritional and tasty.