A new survey revealed that Americans are turning away from stocks as their main preference for long-term investment, preferring real estate as an alternative, Fox Business reported.

Financial service company Bankrate surveyed 1,015 people nationwide during a period of June 25 to June 30, 2019, to figure out the results and determine how to publish these.

The survey found that 31% of people would invest money in real estate. This money would be surplus budget they wouldn't have any use for in more than a decade. Stocks came second at 20%, while cash investments are at a 19% clip.

Gold and precious metals came in after at 11% while bonds were measured with 7% of people preferring this. At the bottom of the list were undecided people and bitcoin or cryptocurrency at 5% and 4%, respectively.

Bankrate noted that the survey was the best it has been for real estate, ever since the seven years they started conducting the survey. It is a complete reversal from 2018, where stocks were the top preference by most Americans.

Perhaps the Americans have something they know that the whole world ought to know more about too.

The Motley Fool reported on the possibility of having high-yield, well-worth-the-risk stocks-worth putting money into, especially with the period of uncertainty the world is in today.

These stocks that pay big dividends are the Welltower, AT&T, and IBM stocks.

As to why these stocks, each of them yields dividends of 4% and above, and their business valuation profiles are also such that they appeal to a wide variety of investors.

Welltower, for instance, looks dependable enough. It is connected to real estate properties which could become highly profitable ones, depending on how it profits from demographic trends.

As for the other two, AT&T hasn't been given its due day. It has struggled over the last decade but has emerged relatively unscathed to give investors reasons to consider it, considering its good dividend. IBM, on the other hand, is a pretty risky investment.

However, it looks as if a big payoff is in the books for anyone brave enough to invest, especially considering its recent big acquisition.

The world of economics is currently facing uncertainties. However, if there is any indication of a good turn coming around, it's that real estate has always been a good asset to diversify in. This is especially important given the digital development that's currently going on.