A recently launched fintech firm Shareable Asset provides a safe and secure investment platform that provides equal access to all investors. The services were reported to be initially accessible only to institutional investors. It was also shown by financial markets that there exists a growing optimism of fintech companies in the Asia Pacific.

Shareable Asset was reported to subdivide expensive real estate ownership. It would divest digitized security tokens that represent fractional ownership and change the real estate investment landscape with ease-of-access for all investors, reported Entrepreneur.

According to the report, the fintech firm aims to provide better investment opportunities for investors in Asia. It was announced that all the income streams generated by the real estate assets would be equally distributed among the investors. Furthermore, the said assets would be divested with the aim of realizing capital gains. It was then explained that this type of financial growth method and innovation in the fintech space has been ongoing in the market for a while.

It was also explained that the company aims to change the future of the debt and equity capital market by providing innovative funding alternatives for all small and medium enterprises (SMEs). Shareable Asset was said to make it possible for SMEs to become tangible asset owners.

According to Yahoo! Finance, most funds of financial institutions in Singapore including those in Bridgewater and UBS has been showing positive trends in the market. There had been optimism towards the development of emerging markets such as those fintech firms.

It was also revealed that companies engaged in the investment advisory sector had been eyeing development opportunities in the Asia Pacific region. One of the reported companies interested in the region was said to be the US fintech investment advisory company CGQuant.

CGQuant was labeled to be a subsidiary of the CGTrade that already operates in Asia Pacific regions such as Hong Kong, Taiwan, Singapore, and Malaysia. It provides top-level financial investment and brokerage services for investors.

According to the chief operating officer of CGTrade Europe Arnald Haynes, the political risks in Europe have caused the investors to consider relocating their assets in emerging markets in the Asia Pacific.

He claimed that there have been improved profit forecast and risk-on sentiments from investors. He also added that there has been positivity on China's stock market in 2020 especially those that are engaged in the Internet and 5g technology sectors.  Furthermore, he asserted that these emerging markets could expect positive returns and consistent market growth by this year because of continued Quantitative Easing policies, lower oil prices, and strong growth of USD and euro currencies.