Gamers who are left holed at home and having nothing much to do are likely to be kept busy this May. With most folks holed up at home and looking for ways to keep themselves occupied, "Elder Scrolls: Online" has added a new Antiquities system in the Greymoor chapter that should keep them busy.

The new "Elder Scrolls: Online" feature calls on players to do more exploration as they set out to learn more about the history of Tamriel. This would include searching for artifacts that will be on May 26. Not only will gamers be able to target something during this period, but it also helps educate them about the region. Also, players who may have already gone to a place may have to return and look for the said objects, meaning it will be a wide-open search for individuals looking for adventure, Game Rant reported.

However, it should be noted that the Antiquities system planned for "Elder Scrolls: Online" is more of a mini-game. There are two of them, Scrying and Excavation. Players will be tasked to retrieve hidden objects. According to lead designer Michael Schroder, it was more of a puzzle-based system that should keep gamers busy - regardless if they have already visited a region or not. This is not limited to Tamriel and will cover western Skyrim as well.

The thought of adding a puzzle-solving angle may or may not appeal to gamers. It will be a test to battle their wits, not to mention enrich their knowledge and understanding of the game. In a way, it aligns with suggestions of some on the possible improvements that could be done to "Elder Scrolls 6." As most know, character creation could use some tweaks and that is digging deeper on what a player would benefit from if they join a certain race. That includes a better understanding of a heritage and probably explaining certain attributes that would make them stand out over other lineages.

Also, the entry of the Antiquities system in the Greymoor chapter of "Elder Scrolls: Online" should make up for the disappointing Elseweyr chapter. It was part of the Summerset DLC which did not garner raves. With the new system, gamers are hoping that they get something worth their time. With the COVID-19 pandemic holing up people at home, they will have all the time to check out the said system and get more information on the secrets of Tamriel and other regions.