With digital transformation, businesses will be able to understand how the modern-day buyer thinks, as well as engage with them and deliver what they are expecting.

But not all digital transformation attempts succeed. In fact, in 2019, an investment worth $900 billion had been wasted. To help you succeed in this endeavor, here's what you should do:

Personalized customer experience

The modern-buyer is somewhat self-important -- every single one of them wants to be treated uniquely. It's also important that you know their personal preferences are and purchase history as well.

Data gathered by Accenture reveals that 75% of customers are more likely to buy from a business that:

  • Knows their purchase history,
  • Recommends products or services based on their past purchases, and
  • Recognizes them by their name.

To make this happen, an organization must invest in a quality CRM to better treat each customer as the individual they are in accordance with their preference. Without CRM, it will be difficult to pull that off.

A smooth multi-channel experience

With technology, customers are given a better chance of giving customers what they exactly want, whenever they want, and how they want it.

Most customers, if not all, want to be delivered with a customer service response within an hour, preferably less, including during weekends. Businesses, simply, must be on-demand 24/7.

The reason is that customers are aware that modern tech can make this happen -- instant gratification is key to making people happy and content. If you can do it in real-time, then, by all means, go for it.

Recognize that no business must ever provide a single channel. You must be able to provide services in-store, online, whether customers are using mobile apps or social media channels.

A flexible, agile IT ecosystem

It's critical that your business owns the right tech to power up digital strategies. Though not all organizations have enough resources to make the digital transition, it's a good thing many business owners recognize the need for implementing agile systems and 86% of businesses believe that cloud technology is critical to digital transformation.

By taking advantage of cloud technology, an entity ensures that its operations are flexible, dynamic, and fast, making way for the ability to try out new projects that are low-risk and cost-effective, which in turn will help provide a better, more improved customer experience.

Employing all these will allow you to create a single digital profile every time a customer chooses to do business with you.