While there has been some publicity about fasted workouts, most experts believe that it is important to have a snack before working out.

For most workouts, it is especially important to get carbohydrates from fruits, vegetables and whole-grains, Aja Gyimah, registered dietitian and founder of Kuudose, told Insider.

Before you work out, the following foods are the best sources of carbohydrates, proteins, and fats:

Fruits and yogurt

Yogurt and fruit can be a good snack if you have about half an hour before your workout.

For optimum health benefits you should opt for an unsweetened yogurt. That provides sufficient fuel, without bringing you excess sugar. And if you don't eat dairy, an alternative to plant or nut-based yogurt, like coconut yogurt or almond-milk yogurt, may offer the same benefits, says Gyimah.


Since oats can feel heavy and take time to digest, reserving this snack is best if you have more than an hour to digest before an exercise. Any form of oats - such as steel cut or whole - can provide a good meal for pre-workouts.

But when making oatmeal or oat-based cookies, simply make sure they don't have a lot of added sugar, particularly if you're using instant oatmeal packed. If you want something sweet, it's better to add some natural fruit sugar, such as berries or apples.

Whole grains

"Whole grains are complex carbs that pack a lot of energy," Gyimah explains. "The carbohydrates are also slower to be released into your bloodstream, so you won't have a blood sugar spike and crash."

This will help you retain energy levels over a longer than 40 minute endurance workout. Multigrain bread, quinoa, and brown rice are among the best examples of whole grains to consume before your workout.

You may also want to add fruits and vegetables together with all your grains. You may have brown rice or quinoa with peas, for example, that contain protein, and green vegetables that are loaded with essential vitamins.


If you're in a hurry and just have enough time right before your workout for a fast snack, you can grab a banana. When you don't have plenty of time to digest food, a banana is a perfect choice because your body digests it easily and will provide your workout with carbohydrates.

Bananas produce around twice as much carbohydrates as other fruits such as apples and oranges, making them a more nutritious snack that can power long workouts.