Having a positive outlook even in the midst of climate disasters will help you make improvements and adopt healthy practices that adhere to them. Therefore, though you see growing signs of climate change all around you, those who commit to healthy behaviors believe that their efforts are making a difference. According to research, the same optimism will make you personally healthy, too.
93% of respondents expressed concern for the climate in a survey of American and Australian citizens and showed that they are willing to intervene by making meaningful changes. Sustainable practices for individuals include recycling, less commuting, eliminating single-use plastics, and following plant-based diets.
The food we consume accounts for 20%of all greenhouse gas emissions, and by giving up meat and dairy and opting for plant-based diets, it's possible to reduce it dramatically.
But identifying the problem is just the first step of a much larger job: It can be a little more difficult to change your lifestyle to implement sustainable habits. Try looking a little deeper into the psychology behind habit-forming to help guarantee results as you strive to integrate more healthy patterns into your everyday life.
Identify the cues or triggers that lead you to crave unhealthy food when it comes to sustainable diets. Triggers may emerge from both internal and external influences and are extremely individualized.
Where sustainable practices can help boost your overall health, triggers normally have the reverse effect and can have emotional and physical detrimental effects on you. The good news is that, as you strive to change the world for the better, adopting sustainable habits, no matter how small, can induce increased feelings of optimism, life satisfaction, and happiness. So you often support your own wellbeing by changing your actions and reminding yourself that you are making a difference in your world.
Try not to sound as if you're losing out on anything as you try to cultivate sustainable patterns. Positivity is important as you strive to build a healthy relationship with food, and the natural environment. If you look at your evolving habits exclusively in a pessimistic way, you will probably end up doing more harm than good, and you might even fully disregard your goals.
Stay positive and remind yourself that your actions are making a difference in order to make the habit of sustainability stick. Instead of treating a decline in single-use plastics or processed foods as deprivation, think about ways to make your life happier with your new healthy habits. For instance, think about the many aspects that healthy eating has a positive influence on both the world and your own community. And if you need extra support, don't be afraid to get help from other like-minded people.