Workouts are strenuous and fast-paced at CrossFit gyms. They vary every day and include, among other activities, gymnastics, weightlifting, and cardiovascular workouts, and the occasional running and rowing.

You have to be well-fed in order to do your best. Food is used as the foundation of CrossFit training and is important for success. The CrossFit diet is relatively low in carbohydrates and stresses the intake of whole plant foods, lean proteins, and balanced fats of macronutrients.

These foods have your body running in an ideal, supercharged environment that in no time will have you flippin 'tires!

Banana and whey protein smoothie

Post-workout, by replenishing glycogen reserves and protein for tissue reconstruction, you should fuel and maximize recovery. Your body craves both fast-absorbing sugars, such as fruits and berries, and whey-like protein, which is fast and easy to digest. Only ensure that the whey protein powder is safe and not a laundry list of ingredients and additives.

Nuts and seeds

After an intense CrossFit WOD, nuts and seeds should fill you up with nutrients and omega-3 fatty acids, which will fuel the recovery. Since nuts and seeds are calorically rich, they are a perfect snack or add-in to a satisfying smoothie on the go.


CrossFitters need to sustain their protein consumption of about 30% of their daily calories, and with tons of fiber, lentils add a whopping nine grams per half-cup to your dinner. Try them in soups, chili dishes, and more.

Sweet potatoes

For a burst of energy, your body needs usable carbs. Through the digestion of carbohydrates, glycogen is contained in your muscles (and liver) and your body depends on the glycogen of the muscles for energy to take you through the exercise.

Sweet potatoes are one of the easiest ways to fuel this because they are slow-releasing and can sustain you during your workout. Sweet potatoes help stabilize the levels of blood sugar, supplying constant, stable levels of energy. They are also high in B6, which battles the physical symptoms of tension that the body encounters after a CrossFit workout, and high in vitamin C and beta-carotene antioxidants, [which helps repair] the free radical damage incurred by exercise.


Eggs are a super snack for CrossFitters, filled with calcium, B vitamins, and healthy fats. Some 7 to 10 grams of protein is given by an egg. Starting the day with a few eggs boosts the daily protein budget.


Oatmeal is a stellar breakfast buddy, is trendy when dressed up as overnight oats. It's still an amazing must-have for CrossFitters, and it's a perfect pre- or post-workout meal since it supplies carbs effectively to the body without unnecessary sugars. For muscle regeneration, it also happens to be excellent.