RM is the tallest member of BTS. Despite his height, he wasn’t automatically the heaviest one in the group. That title belonged to the youngest member, Jungkook.

However, ARMYs have noticed that RM is getting more and more muscular every time they see him. J-Hope even shared that he was so shocked to see the BTS leader’s arms and claimed they were the size of his thighs.

While it sounded like J-Hope was exaggerating, recent appearances of BTS confirmed that the “Ego” rapper was not lying at all. The boys have been working out a lot, mostly for their core and stamina, but it seems like RM is taking things up a notch and had been buffing up.

But RM’s journey to his buff body didn’t happen overnight. In fact, the “Persona” rapper had been building his muscles since BTS’ debut days. Stylists even put him in sleeveless shirts, knowing that he can pull them off.

But the current RM is on the next level. RM’s arms were highlighted during BTS’ MAP OF THE SOUL ON:E virtual concert, and it’s making ARMYs thirsty.

While forming a huge heart with his arms for the fans, RM’s sleeves lifted, exposing his guns. (Watch the clip here).

“You can’t spell arms without RM,” one wrote. “OMG!!!! Look at his biceps ohhh baby u gonna be bulky love you a lot,” another one commented.

This is definitely not the first time ARMYs are thirsting for RM. The BTS leader previously admitted that he knew about all the memes about his buff body, but claimed that he only appeared huge than he really is because he was wearing a tight shirt.

Even though RM clearly gained a lot of muscle mass, he clarified that it was only his tight shirt that made his arms appear more buff. However, his humble explanation didn’t work for ARMYs.

Now, ARMYs are calling him out, saying that he was wearing a loose shirt in BTS’ MAP OF THE SOUL ON:E, so he has no excuse anymore. It’s no secret that RM and the rest of the BTS boys are always humble, except for Jin when it comes to his visuals. Mr. Worldwide Handsome would be the first one to remind everyone how good looking he is, and no is complaining because he's just stating facts.

ARMYs are now hoping for RM to be as confident as Jin, and accept the fact that he has a buff body.