Some users report seeing an iOS update notification dialog box constantly popping up telling them that a new iOS update is available, only that such an update does not exist.

Apple seems to have a new problem and this time in a form of an iOS update notification that keeps on bugging users. The problem is that such an iOS update does not even exist. Some Twitter and Reddit users who use devices running on iOS 14 beta posted their complaints online, saying that they are constantly bugged by a notification window about a non-existent iOS update every time they unlock their iPhones.


When Apple releases a new iOS update, your iPhones usually displays a dialog box telling you that there is a new iOS update available. The dialog box also asks you if you wish to update now or download and install the update at a later time. Users may ignore the message, though there are times that Apple sends another notification informing you that it will update itself at a particular time and even asks you to make sure your device is plugged in. According to users who posted the iOS 14 update notification complaint, while the issue of the dialog box about the non-existent update has been appearing occasionally for several days now, it recently started to pop up more frequently every time they unlock their iPhones and has become very annoying.

One of the many users who posted the complaint on Reddit about the iOS 14 update notification dialog box constantly appearing recalled that a similar incident happened several years ago. A Reddit user who goes by the handle of "senators24" said the same thing also happened a couple of years ago. "Before Apple released another update, the beta build expired. Hopefully, it will soon be resolved," the Reddit user said. A Reddit moderator with the handle "Aaron" apparently created a forum megathread that centers on the issue of the latest non-existent update issue. "A new iOS update is now available. Please update from the iOS 14 beta" notification issue. "[I am] seeing an increased amount of posts in the queue about this, so i am making a temporary megathread. Are you getting this issue as well?" asked Aaron in the Reddit megathread he created.

Some users who posted their own experience with the iOS 14 update notification dialog box constantly appearing, also recalled a similar issue happening 5 years ago, about an update which turned out non-existent. It was with a beta version and it took an emergency update from Apple to prevent the issue reoccurring. There were also users who suggested moving the iOS date back to prevent the dialog box from popping up again, though this workaround is not recommended as it may result in some other consequences.