Are you looking for food that helps with anxiety? Studies have found that some foods make us feel calmer, while others will serve as stimulants-at least briefly. If you encounter stress that results in anxiety or panic attacks, some improvements to your diet can provide relief and relaxation.

Below is a list of the top foods you need to avoid to manage your anxiety better.


Known as a stimulant and psychoactive drug, caffeine has long been known to trigger the body's fight-or-flight response. Quite close to anxiety-related effects, caffeine can even make users feel restless, nauseated, light-headed, jittery, and, yes, even anxious. If you're suffering from anxiety, rethink your morning cup of coffee and choose herbal tea or green juice instead.


Gluten is a compound present in the components of wheat, barley, and rye. For certain anxiety sufferers, gluten may also be a big cause of anxiety symptoms. A study has also shown that people with celiac disease and gluten allergy are at greater risk for anxiety, depression, and mood disorders. Speak to the doctor about celiac testing or gluten sensitivity. Cutting out gluten may be the difference between dealing with anxiety and controlling it for the better.

Artificial and refined sugar

This one is impossible to overlook purely because sugar is in everything! Studies have shown that while sugar may not cause anxiety, it may induce changes in your body that can intensify the effects of anxiety and hinder your body's capacity to cope effectively with stress.

Sugar crashes are similar to caffeine crashes, which can also induce mood swings, heart palpitations, trouble focusing, and fatigue-all of which can be viewed as the early stages of an anxiety or panic attack.

Fried foods

Not only are fried foods difficult to digest, but they also have very little nutrients. Combining unhealthy food preferences and unhealthful cooking methods is a sure-fire way to intensify the anxiety symptoms. Many of the fried foods such as French fries, chicken wings, and onion rings are cooked in hydrogenated oil. It doesn't only make a number on your waistline, but it's awful for your heart as well.

Processed foods

Generally, processed foods are heavy in the former two products mentioned, as well as a lot of additional additives and preservatives. Refined flours and sugars are said to feed dangerous bacteria and microbes in the intestines.

With more research being undertaken, the common consensus is that gut health is a significant contributor to persistent anxiety, and certain mood problems can be treated by proliferating healthy bacteria in the intestines. So next time you're at a family BBQ, skip the hot dogs and go for a fruit salad.