Darius is one of the fan-favorite champions in "League of Legends: Wild Rift." He is a Baron laner fighter that could solo carry a game in the right hands. Here are some essential things about his build that players should know to further optimize the Hand of Noxus.

Best Darius Runes in "League of Legends: Wild Rift"

For Keystone Runes, players could use the Conqueror since it functions best on Darius. Given his attitude of always wanting to fight, Darius can cripple the enemy. Conqueror stacks help make sure his trade potential, providing him with extra healing and AD to outtrade enemies.

Players can also equip Darius with Brutal for AS/AP penetration. This rune offers 7 bonus Attack Damage and a 2% bonus-armor penetration to the champion. Spirit Walker is also essential to Darius since he is a solo laner. This rune slows resistance and grants him extra health, allowing him to survive the battle without the need to retreat often.

Finally, players could use the Hunter Genius rune as Darius' minor rune to gain Ability haste after taking down enemy heroes.

Best Spells And Items For Darius in "League of Legends: Wild Rift"

Players should equip Darius with Ghost and Flash. This combo transforms him into a terrifying monster that enemies run away from. This combo also allows Darius to position his first ability for devastating trades. As for his items, players could equip him with Black Cleaver allowing him to steal enemies' armor and trade during extended fights.

Players could also use Trinity Force as a second item choice. It functions like the Black Cleaver but grants Darius more base damage stats. Gargoyle Enchant is also an excellent choice for the Hand of Naxus, which increases his maximum health by 65%.

Darius Gameplay Tips in "League of Legends: Wild Rift"

Darius' skill sets are designed to let him dominate the entire battlefield when fed. He is better used as a solo fighter. In the early game, players should buy a Long Sword and go to the Baron lane to clear the first wave of minions. Players must remember that their main objective is to protect the turret while maintaining the gold economy. Because of this, they must limit their engagement and only do so if it's extremely necessary.

In the mid-game. Players should build Darius' core and to help on the battlefield, players could try the Boot Enchantment build. The late game is the stage where Darius excels most. The champion can manage 1 vs 4 situations in this stage. Since the champion lacks stun or blink, players should use their dash spell appropriately.