Supergirl season 6 will be the final one for the superhero drama and a lot of stories are needed to be wrapped up before the series officially concludes. One of these includes Lena Luthor's (Katie McGrath) storyline and there are questions surrounding her due to her ties to Lex Luthor (Jon Cryer).

McGrath revealed how she wants Lena's story to end as Supergirl season 6 is coming to a close. The character has been misunderstood a lot of times already because her name is tied to her brother, Lex. The latter serves as the major villain for Kara Danvers (Melissa Benoist) and the rest of Super Friends.

Lena's ties to Lex led her to doubt and question herself, particularly on whether she can be a good person. McGrath hopes that her character would have the ending that she deserves, which does not include being rich and famous.

In a recent interview with Entertainment Weekly, McGrath said that she wants Lena to be contented in herself and learn the art of self-love. After battling the demons inside her head, the actress noted it's time for her character to find peace and forgive herself for her past mistakes.

McGrath wants Lena to accept who she is now, as well as accept what she's done in the past. The actress said that this would be a fitting ending for her character in Supergirl season 6, given that she struggled so much in her life.

As for how she feels the superhero drama is ending, McGrath said she's delighted the series is coming into conclusion being completed rather than being canceled like other shows. Although she didn't confirm her statement would be Lena's ending, she noted the ending would satisfy fans.

McGrath teased that they'll be able to tell the proper ending of the series. She didn't reveal any specific plot points as the series finale is approaching, though she hinted ad a satisfying conclusion. The actress also thanked the showrunners and writers for the idea they've come up with.

Supergirl season 6 will continue to follow Kara and the Super Friends battling with Lex, who is determined to rule the world and the people. In terms of personal storylines, fans were hoping for more romance between Lena and Kara/the titular character.

In addition to McGrath and Benoist, the superhero drama also stars Chyler Leigh as Alex Danvers, David Harewood as J'onn, Nicole Maines as Nia Nal, Jesse Rath as Brainiac 5, Julie Gonzalo as Andrea Rojas, Staz Nair as William Dey, and Peta Sergeant as Nyxly.

Supergirl season 6 is airing every Tuesday night on The CW.