Thanks to the hormone insulin, our bodies have an excellent way of controlling blood sugar levels. When blood sugar levels rise, insulin levels rise with it. As a result, the body is encouraged to burn sugar for energy or store it in the liver for later use.

Insulin resistance, however, is a condition that some people develop. Insulin resistance, a precursor to type 2 diabetes, occurs when the hormone loses its ability to control blood glucose levels.

Worse, many of the activities that a diabetic does have an effect on blood sugar levels. If you're wondering why you can't manage to control your blood sugar levels, you could be doing one or more of the following:

Skipping breakfast

Breakfast eaters may be better able to avoid high-calorie and fatty foods later in the day. Adults with type 2 diabetes who ate breakfast ate less later in the day, according to a study published in the journal Public Health Nutrition in 2015. A meal in the morning, especially one high in protein and healthy fat, appears to keep blood sugar levels stable throughout the day.

Excessively fatty meal

People with diabetes may be concerned about the carbohydrate content of their meals, but research reveals that fat can significantly affect blood sugar levels. Although fat may not have the same direct effect on blood sugar as carbohydrates, it may have an influence.

In a review of data published in the International Journal of Health Sciences in 2017, researchers discovered a relationship between obesity, type 2 diabetes, and impaired glucose tolerance. Fat contributes to poor carbohydrate absorption. Furthermore, if someone has diabetes, insulin may peak earlier than the carbs digested at the wrong time.


Of course, smoking is not good for everyone, but cigarettes are especially deadly for diabetics. According to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, smoking increases the risk of serious diabetic complications such as kidney and heart disease, nerve damage, visual impairment, and insufficient blood flow in the legs and feet, which can lead to ulcers, infections, and even amputation.


Whether you have a cold, the flu, or a urinary tract infection, your immune system generates unique germ-fighting chemicals to help you remove unusually high blood sugar levels. That is why healthy particular diet and beverage suggestions are required to maintain healthy sugar levels. It is critical to stay hydrated. It washes away extra glucose and improves your body's overall performance.