During a 90-minute committee hearing in the U.S. House of Representatives on Tuesday morning, U.S. military officials released new footage of UFOs, or what they're now calling unidentified aerial phenomena, or UAP.
An unexplained triangular object may be seen in one of the films obtained in 2019 from a U.S. Navy ship using night-vision goggles.
During the first public hearing on the topic in almost 50 years, Deputy Director of Navy Intelligence Scott Bray shared clips recorded by military personnel with the House Permanent Select Committee on Intelligence.
Bray also shared a video of the same phenomena from a different location at a later date. Analysts believe the item was an optical effect "correlated with unmanned aerial systems in the area." he said.
That is, due to the effect of light from the object traveling through the goggles and then through the lenses of the SLR camera that captured the clip, something that is most likely a drone appears like a triangle.
Bray also shared a short video from the cockpit of a military plane in 2021 that appeared to reveal a spherical object for a fraction of a second.
"In many other cases we have far less than this," Bray said, adding later that there is currently no explanation for the object. "There are a small handful [of sightings] in which there are flight characteristics or signature management we can't explain with the data that we have."
The task team now has a database containing over 400 UAP reports, according to Bray.
The meeting comes 11 months after the director of national intelligence issued a brief report on UAP, which prompted the formation of a task group to look into the matter. President Biden signed a defense spending bill in December that demands regular reporting and briefings to Congress on the subject.
The task force aims to eliminate the cultural stigma surrounding UAP, according to Ronald Moultrie, undersecretary of defense for intelligence and security, who also stated that the newly formed Airborne Object Identification and Management Synchronization Group will help identify UAP "in a methodical, logical and standardized manner."
During the session, however, there were no disclosures of any encounter with ET or evidence of aliens.
Bray also stated that the military has never interacted with, shot on, or collided with a UAP, despite the fact that 11 recorded close misses were noted in the director of national intelligence's unclassified report last year.
Aside from the new footage, there was little new information revealed throughout the session, but it was enough to make it one of the more compelling congressional committee hearings in many months.