Initial leaks for "One Piece" Chapter 1053 have dropped and reveal major details about Luffy and Buggy. As a new saga is about to begin, the series introduces the new Yonkos.

"One Piece" Chapter 1053 spoilers come from Lebrent from the WG Forums and OroJapan. As these are just initial leaks, more is about to be revealed in the coming days.

Luffy and Buggy are declared the new Yonkos. SportsKeeda noted Trafalgar Law and Eustass Kid would not be happy with the news; that's why Scratchmen Apoo is eager for them to know.

After what happened to Kaido and Big Mom, they needed to be replaced. The Five Elders said there was no way to cover up the news and it would come up eventually.

However, it seems to be a shock that Buggy comes to Luffy's ranks. Buggy "continues to fail upwards," but his powerful alliances may have something to do with this.

He controls the biggest mercenary company in the world, while Law and Kid have no political influences. But despite the differences, the Wold Government still sees them as dangerous threats.

"One Piece" Chapter 1053 will reveal Luffy, Kid and Law have the same bounty. However, Luffy's reward is yet to be shown-only that of Buggy and the Straw Hats.

Eiichiro Oda may later reveal the bounties of Luffy, Law and Kid, knowing they will be the main focus. But despite the hints of the beginning of the new saga, the Wano Country arc is yet to end.

A few plot threads remain and need to be addressed. Some of its unresolved things are Kaido's poneglyph, the man who drank with Crocus and the unanswered question, why is Wano the land of gold, per Recent Highlights.

It's also yet to avenge Yasuie properly, Zoro is yet to receive character development despite new heritage and it doesn't reveal Queen versus Who's Who story. In addition, it's yet to tackle the Numbers' existence, Yamato's past with the prisoners, her being Oni and Onis in general and why she's being called a princess while the crew thinks of her as a man.

Carrot's existence is also yet to play out, the story of Onigashima island, the shadow at the end of Chapter 1004, Toki and the void century, the story behind Who's Who and the guard, the Big Mom Pirates and the World Government ships, Zunesha's arrival and many more.

The current arc still has a lot of concerns to address and as a new saga is about to begin, fans wonder if they will still get answers to these mysteries. "One Piece" Chapter 1053 will be out on Sunday, June 19, followed by a one-month break.