"My Hero Academia" Season 6 Episode 22, titled "The Lovely Lady Nagant," preview has dropped and hints at the coming of Deku's vigilante form. As the much-favorite hero doesn't say his most famous catchphrase, "Plus Ultra," this time, it looks like a darker arc is about to come.

The catchword "Plus Ultra" often fills the public's hearts with hope whenever the green-haired hero says it. But as there's no mention in "My Hero Academia" Season 6 Episode 22 preview, what does it mean?

The current season features the Paranormal Liberation War and the Dark Hero arcs, with the upcoming new episode will be the latter's focus. Manga readers probably know what will happen to Deku after being disappointed by the aftermath of the Paranormal Liberation arc.

It has been known that whenever Deku says "Plus Ultra," he will go beyond and above to do good and fight the evil, characterizing the protagonist's journey throughout. It's also the people's assurance from him that everything will be alright.

However, it looks like Deku has lost his confidence in "My Hero Academia" Season 6 Episode 22 preview. He has given up his training at the U.A. and adopted a much darker form to save his people.

He now possesses the Blackwhip Quirk in his most terrifying form, with tendrils emerging from his back and being covered in darkness with his Dark Deku look. By the looks of it, his disappointment will get the best of him, preventing him from saying his hopeful catchphrase.

Elsewhere, the new episode preview also features Lady Nagant and the revelation of her backstories and motivations. The teaser shows Endeavor talking to someone on his mobile phone before the scene shifts to Edgeshot. The League of Villains is also seen, and Deku is in his dark/vigilante mode.

Meanwhile, "My Hero Academia" Season 6 Episode 21 showed Deku's fight against Lady Nagant, and as the battle continued, the hero learned more about the new villain. It was eventually revealed that she was Hawks' predecessor, which meant she had to work as a secret silent assassin for the Public Safety Commission while acting as a hero in public.

Her double life wore her down and killed her hope, believing taking out the Public Safety Commission was her only way out. This resulted in her being locked up in Tartarus.

Sure, she ended up working for All for One, but Deku noticed Lady Nagant didn't want to kill him, seeing she was holding back the whole time. In fact, she ended up helping him figure out what AFO's next plans were, though it was putting her in huge danger.

"My Hero Academia" Season 6 Episode 22 will be out Saturday, March 4.