In the dynamic world of K-pop, where every move is closely watched and analyzed, the recent announcement of NewJeans as the new face of Lotte WellFood Co's beloved Pepero snack has ignited a fervent debate. While the partnership between the youthful K-pop group and the popular snack brand seems harmonious, it's the choice of title for the group that has set the internet abuzz.

Historically, South Korean brands have designated celebrities endorsing their products as "models." However, in the case of NewJeans and Pepero, the term "ambassadors" was used, a title more commonly associated with global luxury brands. This shift in nomenclature has raised eyebrows and sparked discussions among netizens.

Pepero, a snack that has grown from a simple treat to a cultural phenomenon, especially with the celebration of "Pepero Day" on November 11, has expanded its global reach. The decision to label NewJeans as "global ambassadors" rather than the traditional "models" has led to a plethora of reactions online. Some comments from netizens include:

  • "It's so funny how we're putting Pepero and 'global ambassador' in the same sentence."
  • "Seems like they're called ambassadors because they'll be used for 17 countries. They suit it."
  • "The ambassador money must be crazy!! The girls gonna be ready to retire by March."

While many are in favor of the new title, seeing it as a testament to NewJeans' global appeal and the snack's international aspirations, others find it amusing and somewhat exaggerated. The term "ambassador," especially in the luxury brand sector, implies that the celebrity endorser not only promotes the product but also embodies the brand's ethos and values. The debate has led to discussions about the nuances of language, with some arguing that both "model" and "ambassador" are borrowed English terms and might not carry the same weight in Korean culture.

Beyond the debate, NewJeans continues to make waves in the K-pop scene. A recent post showcasing the group's visuals at Stonehenge 2023 garnered a mix of admiration and discussions, further highlighting their significant influence in the industry.

As the world of K-pop and brand endorsements evolve, this incident serves as a reflection of changing norms and the global aspirations of South Korean brands. Whether NewJeans' title as "global ambassadors" for Pepero sets a new precedent or remains a one-off marketing strategy, it's evident that the landscape of celebrity endorsements in South Korea is undergoing a transformation.