In her upcoming book "Oath and Honor," set for release on December 5, former House colleague Liz Cheney reveals startling details about Donald Trump's state of mind following his loss in the 2020 election. According to Cheney, Representative Kevin McCarthy disclosed that Trump, deeply affected by his defeat to Joe Biden, stopped eating and became depressed. This claim is made in the context of McCarthy's visit to Trump at Mar-a-Lago, three weeks after the Capitol riot on January 6, 2021.

The book details an exchange between Cheney and McCarthy, where Cheney expresses disbelief at McCarthy's visit to Trump's Florida estate. McCarthy explains his visit was prompted by concerns from Trump's staff about his well-being, citing that "Trump's not eating, so they asked me to come see him," and adding that Trump was "really depressed." This revelation highlights the emotional turmoil Trump experienced following the election loss and the subsequent events.

McCarthy's visit to Mar-a-Lago aimed to address the situation and possibly offer support to the former president. It is reported that during this period, McCarthy had expressed frustration with Trump for not doing more to prevent the Capitol riot. This tension between McCarthy and Trump is further complicated by McCarthy's questioning of Trump's ability to take on the presidency again.

However, Trump's campaign spokesman Steven Cheung has strongly refuted Cheney's claims, dismissing them as lies and criticizing Cheney personally. Cheung's statement reflects the ongoing tension and division within the Republican Party, particularly concerning Trump's influence and role.

The revelation of Trump's post-election state in Cheney's book adds a new layer to the understanding of the internal dynamics of the Republican Party during this tumultuous period. It also offers insight into the personal impact of political defeat on Trump, a figure who has dominated American politics in recent years.

Cheney, who has been a vocal critic of Trump and played a key role in the now-defunct Select Committee on January 6, has faced backlash within her party for her stance, culminating in her removal from the House Republican Conference Chair position. Her book is anticipated to shed more light on her perspective and experiences during a critical time in American politics.