Prince Harry has announced his intention to appeal a High Court ruling that upheld a decision by the Executive Committee for the Protection of Royalty and Public Figures (Ravec) to modify his entitlement to automatic police protection while in the UK. This decision was originally made in February 2020, following the Duke and Duchess of Sussex's announcement to step back from royal duties and relocate to California.

The court's decision has significant implications for Prince Harry's security arrangements during his visits to the UK, maintaining that the original resolution to alter his level of taxpayer-funded personal protection was justified and lawful.

The legal team representing the Duke of Sussex issued a statement expressing their dissatisfaction with the court's verdict and confirming their plans to challenge the decision in the Court of Appeal. The statement emphasized that Prince Harry seeks "a fair and lawful application of Ravec's own rules," highlighting that the Duke was not requesting preferential treatment but rather an equitable consideration in line with Ravec's policies.

The statement also pointed out a perceived failure by Ravec to conduct a risk analysis tailored to Prince Harry's specific circumstances, a process deemed essential by his legal team for ensuring his safety.

The High Court, led by retired Judge Sir Peter Lane, concluded that the decision to modify Prince Harry's security status was neither unlawful nor irrational, and that there was no evidence of procedural unfairness in the decision-making process. The judgment underscored that even if procedural irregularities were identified, it is unlikely that the outcome for Prince Harry would have been substantially different.

The ruling has elicited a response from the Home Office, with a spokesperson stating, "We are pleased that the Court has found in favor of the Government's position in this case, and we are carefully considering our next steps." The spokesperson reiterated the government's policy of not disclosing detailed information about protective security arrangements to preserve their integrity and ensure the individuals' safety.

This legal development is part of a series of legal battles involving Prince Harry, who has been actively engaged in various lawsuits since his move to the United States with his wife, Meghan Markle, and their two children. The Duke's legal actions reflect his ongoing concerns over security and privacy, issues that have been central to his and his family's decision to redefine their roles within the British Royal Family and pursue a more independent life.

As Prince Harry prepares to take his case to the Court of Appeal, the legal discourse surrounding his right to security in the UK continues to unfold, highlighting the complex interplay between individual rights, public policy, and the unique circumstances of members of the royal family who choose to step back from their official duties.