Prince Harry has come under intense criticism for what has been described as a "terrible snub" to the Royal Family. This backlash follows the Duke and Duchess of Sussex's recent visit to Nigeria, which has stirred controversy and debate about their relationship with the rest of the Royal Family.

During their tour in Nigeria, Harry and Meghan engaged in several activities promoting the Invictus Games and supporting various charity organizations. Speaking to People magazine, Harry expressed his desire to continue such visits. "It is hugely important for us to meet directly with people, supporting our causes and listening, in order to bring about solutions, support, and positive change," he said. "Whether it's the Archewell Foundation, Invictus, or any of our other causes, there will always be reasons to meet the people at the heart of our work."

However, royal commentator Angela Levin criticized Harry's actions, interpreting them as a slight against his family. Speaking to GBN America, Levin said, "I think that that is a terrible snub to his family. I think it's really cruel and awful. He wants to say that he's okay, he's fine. He knows how to do these things. And the old-fashioned Royal Family can't. I think he could bring a lot of damage to the Royals."

GBNA host Nana Akua also questioned the purpose of Harry and Meghan's trip, suggesting it lacked clarity and substance. Levin further criticized the brevity of their interactions during the visit, noting, "I watched Meghan go down a line of people who were in a wheelchair, and she took their hand, put it back, and was on the next person. It wasn't even a minute."

This visit and the subsequent comments have reportedly caused serious concern within Kensington Palace. Levin claimed, "There is serious concern at Kensington Palace that Prince Andrew's daughters Beatrice and Eugenie are becoming increasingly close to Harry and Meghan. Beatrice and Eugenie are moving across to what one Kensington Palace official described as 'the dark side'."

Despite the controversy, reports suggest that Harry and Meghan might receive an invitation for an unofficial tour of another Commonwealth country, with Ghana being a potential destination. This move could further solidify their global outreach efforts, which they have emphasized since stepping down as senior royals.

The Royal Family, meanwhile, has been involved in "intense damage limitation discussions," according to royal author Tom Quinn. He noted that senior royals are concerned about being overshadowed by the Sussexes, especially given recent health issues affecting King Charles and Princess Kate. "For now, they are going to be overshadowed," Quinn told The Mirror.

Quinn also highlighted the sense of mission that drives Harry and Meghan. "At the core of Meghan and Harry's intense relationship is a sense of injustice. Harry has actually said, 'It's us against the world'. This feeling of being driven in on themselves has actually worked to their advantage as it gives them an increased sense of mission and a sense that they need to stick together and be strong in the face of their enemies."

During their Nigeria visit, Harry and Meghan supported the "Giants of Africa" program and announced plans to expand their efforts by providing an additional adaptive court and accessible sports for the community of Abuja. They also hosted a basketball clinic, with Harry participating in various drills.

The couple's activities have not only highlighted their ongoing philanthropic efforts but also brought to the forefront the complexities of their relationship with the Royal Family. As they continue to carve out their path, the scrutiny and reactions from both supporters and critics are likely to persist, shaping the narrative of their roles on the global stage.