In recent weeks, President Joe Biden's health has come under intense scrutiny following multiple visits from Dr. Kevin Cannard, a renowned neurologist specializing in Parkinson's disease, to the White House. These visits, which occurred eight times over the past year, have fueled speculation and concern about the President's well-being, particularly given his advanced age and the rigors of the presidency.

Dr. Kevin O'Connor, Biden's personal physician, took the unusual step of releasing a letter to address these concerns. He clarified that Dr. Cannard's visits were part of routine neurological clinics conducted at the White House Medical Unit, a practice that predates the pandemic and has continued as normal since its end. "Dr. Cannard has been the neurological specialist that examined President Biden for each of his annual physicals," O'Connor stated, noting that these findings have always been included in the public release of the President's physical results.

Despite this reassurance, the timing and frequency of these visits have raised questions, especially as Biden faces calls to step down from the 2024 presidential race. Critics argue that his age and health may impede his ability to effectively govern. Commentator Freddy Gray accused the Democratic Party of "covering for him" to maintain their hold on power. "If he has a major slip-up at this NATO summit, the calls for him to go will become overwhelming," Gray said on GB News.

The controversy has been exacerbated by Biden's performance in a recent presidential debate against former President Donald Trump. His faltering responses have intensified scrutiny of his cognitive capabilities. When questioned about his health in an ABC interview, Biden asserted, "I have a cognitive test every single day with everything I do," attempting to dismiss concerns about his mental fitness.

White House Press Secretary Karine Jean-Pierre faced a barrage of questions about the President's health, particularly regarding Dr. Cannard's visits. Jean-Pierre maintained that Biden is not being treated for Parkinson's or any other neurological condition outside of his annual physicals. "For security reasons, we cannot share names of specialists broadly," she said, emphasizing the importance of maintaining privacy for medical personnel.

This explanation did little to quell the speculation. The visitor logs, which are public information, show Dr. Cannard meeting with Dr. O'Connor and other staffers on multiple occasions. This led to a tense exchange with reporters, as Jean-Pierre reiterated that revealing the names of medical personnel would be inappropriate.

Dr. O'Connor's letter further detailed that Biden's latest physical, conducted in February, involved consultations with several specialists, including a neurological expert. The examination concluded that Biden's stiff gait, observed since his November 2021 physical, was due to "wear and tear" on his spine and not indicative of a neurological disorder. "An extremely detailed neurologic exam was again reassuring in that there were no findings which would be consistent with any cerebellar or other central neurological disorder," O'Connor wrote.

Amid these health concerns, Biden has remained resolute in his decision to seek re-election. In an interview with MSNBC's "Morning Joe," he stated, "I am not going anywhere. I wouldn't be running if I didn't absolutely believe that I am the best candidate to beat Donald Trump in 2024." First Lady Jill Biden echoed his commitment during a campaign stop in North Carolina, asserting, "Joe has made it clear that he is all in. That's the decision that he's made, and just as he has always supported my career, I am all in too."

Despite some calls from within his party for him to withdraw, many Democrats continue to back Biden. Representative Adam Smith of Washington expressed a common sentiment among some Democrats, saying, "We would be better off with another nominee. I believe that in my heart, my soul, my brain-I'm 100% convinced of that."