Biden Administration

The Latest

  • Biden Administration To Focus on Allies First, Not China
    The Biden administration will first repair damaged bridges to its allies before building new ones with China.
  • Biden Administration Supports The Idea Of An 'Asian NATO'
    Harpoon launch
    The Biden administration supports the idea of evolving an Asian democratic alliance to thwart China's regional ambitions.
  • Top Chinese Diplomat Tells U.S. To Stop Meddling In China's Internal Affairs
    Yang Jiechi
    A top Chinese diplomat chided and cajoled for better U.S.-China relations.
  • Biden To Review, Not Cancel Phase One Trade Deal With China
    The Biden administration is reviewing Trump's phase one trade deal with China in concert with U.S. allies.
  • U.S. Says 90,000 More To Die From COVID-19 By End Of March
    White House
    The White House will update the public on the state of the country's fight against the virus.
  • Biden To Join WHO-Backed COVID-19 Vaccine Initiative
    The Biden administration plans to join an alliance aimed at helping developing nations get access to coronavirus vaccines.
  • China Encouraged To Renegotiate Trade Deal Following Biden Win
    The China government said officials saw Biden as a more "rational and multilaterally minded" president.
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