
The Latest

  • Hong Kong Experiences Warmest Christmas In 30 Years
    Hong Kong's Christmas
    A lot of tourists visit Hong Kong during Christmas season, but the weather in the city this year has been set to be the warmest in 30 years. Wool hats, thick jackets, or scarves were unnecessary on this day as the Hong Kong Observatory expected a high of 24 degrees Celsius - which exceeded the highest temperature during this period over the past 30 years.
  • Colder Weather, Shorter Days Link To More Alcohol Drinking
    A new study conducted by the University of Pittsburgh proved the link between alcohol and weather.
    A new study conducted by the University of Pittsburgh proved the link between alcohol and weather.
  • Red Rainstorm Warning Issued For Hong Kong As Heavy Rain Can Cause Severe Flooding
    The Hong Kong Observatory issued a red rainstorm warning as heavy rain is expected to persists, causing serious flooding.
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