'Chicago Med' Season 5 Spoilers: Jessie Schram Joins The Series As Recurring Character : Entertainment : Business Times

'Chicago Med' Season 5 Spoilers: Jessie Schram Joins The Series As Recurring Character

December 24, 2019 02:04 pm
Jessy Schram joins NBC's "Chicago Med" as Dr. Hannah Asher. (Photo : Roger Murmann from Eppertshausen, Deutschland/Wikimedia Commons [CC BY 2.0 (https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/2.0/deed.en)])

WARNING: This article contains spoilers for Chicago Med season 5. Read at your own risk.

Chicago Med season 5 is currently on its midseason break and it is set to come back earlier next year. Once the series returns, viewers will be meeting a new recurring character and she'll probably bring more excitement and drama to other characters.

In a recent report from Deadline, Falling Skies actress Jessy Schram will have a recurring role in Chicago Med season 5 and will be playing Dr. Hannah Asher. In the casting listing, the character is described as an "attractive, brilliant gynecological surgeon."

But despite that, Dr. Hannah Asher is hiding some secrets; she's dealing with drug addiction. She's doing everything she can to pull herself together and be the most impressive and professional doctor she can be. However, things wouldn't be easy for her as she's constantly fighting her demons.

It only makes sense Chicago Med is introducing a new doctor now, especially since the series lost both Ava and Connor in the early run of this season. Now, it's interesting to see what would be the role of Schram's character and how her arrival could impact others.

While she's not new in the medical field, Dr. Hannah Asher is a newcomer in the Windy City whom we're going to meet for the first time. Right now, however, there are no confirmed details what episode she'll appear once the series returns.

As for what else is coming on Chicago Med season 5, the series will likely continue the cliffhangers in the fall finale. For instance, Ethan and April's relationship is being tested, as the latter has a condition wherein she would go through early onset menopause.

It would be difficult for April to get pregnant and she's worried about Ethan since she couldn't give him a baby that he desires. She felt pressured, while he's frustrated as he couldn't figure out what's going on between them. In the end, Ethan decided to give April six weeks to figure things out.

Chicago Med season 5 fall finale also featured Will and Natalie's reunion. However, things didn't go well between them and it looks like it might be the end for both of them. Her memories return and she realized she's been unfair to him.

Natalie told Will that she loves him, but the latter's response was unexpected. He said life has been good to him after she's gone and they're not good for one another and will only keep on hurting each other. It looks like Will is ready to move forward and live a future without Natalie.

CarterMatt noted Chicago Med season 5 will return on NBC earlier next year, most likely on Wednesday, Jan. 8, 2020.

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