Will Eating Eggs Support Weight Loss? Here's What Science Says : Lifestyle : Business Times

Will Eating Eggs Support Weight Loss? Here's What Science Says

January 08, 2021 05:07 pm
Breakfast is advised for kids and teenagers by the American Academy of Pediatrics (AAP) in order to promote better health, better nutrition, better memory, better test results, and greater attention spans. (Photo : Heather Ford/Unsplash)

Since eggs are an excellent source of protein, adding them to your diet can do wonders if you're trying to lose weight. In fact, multiple studies have also demonstrated the advantages of consuming eggs leading to weight loss.

Curbing calorie intake is the best way to reduce weight. Eggs are high in protein and low in calories, making them one of the better weight-loss foods. Protein is incredibly filling, which ensures that you'll eat less all day.

Research has shown that consuming a protein-rich breakfast increases satiety (feeling full), which contributes to a decrease in caloric consumption throughout the rest of the day. A 2012 study published in the British Journal of Nutrition has indicated that proteolytic enzymes can help to treat obesity and metabolic syndrome.

Protein is the building block for the muscles. Therefore, eating a protein-rich diet will help you develop and sustain solid muscles. Adding more protein to your diet will increase your metabolism and help you eat more calories.

While eggs can aid with your weight loss quest, when and how you consume food plays an important role in reaping its benefits.

Eggs should be consumed at breakfast to get the best results. It will fuel your body with energy and keep you satisfied for the rest of the day. Your digestive system is also at its peak in the morning, making it possible to break down proteins and many other nutrients in eggs.

A 2005 study of overweight women who ate egg-based breakfast consumed slightly fewer calories over the remainder of the day than the group who ate bagel-based breakfast.

If you're on a weight-loss journey, stop adding animal fat, such as butter or bacon fat, to your egg-based meal. Also, combine them with vegetables for a fiber-rich breakfast.

Egg yolk is often refused by people on a weight loss regime, but studies have recently concluded that the fat contained in egg yolks potentially helps to suppress bad cholesterol in the body. Thus, experts say that eating 1 to 2 whole eggs a day does not change your cholesterol levels or raise your risk of heart disease. However, the American Heart Association advises that people at risk of heart attack eat only two egg whites a day.

So, stick with eggs in the morning rather than the bagels that are high in carbs and calories and not that filling. But pay attention to calories and try lightening those egg breakfasts with half whole eggs and half egg whites.

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