Sony is set to release an expensive robot puppy! One cannot deny that technology is already an essential part of our daily lives, may it be for better or worse. But it seems like animals like dogs, considered as man's best friend, will feel the effects of the technological advancement in the world.

The announcement, according to Game Rant, was revealed by Sony on August 23. Aibo Robotics will reportedly head their way to the United States as it was initially released in Japan. People will witness the original version of Aibo, which was originally released in 1999. While Aibo is not scheduled to release until the end of the year, they will begin receiving orders as early as next month.

Of course, there are several technological developments with the product. This is why interested buyers must expect a hefty price tag of $2,899. The new product was dubbed as "First Litter Edition."

Why buy Aibo?

As the earlier mentioned source pointed out, this new product is not an ordinary toy. The unique Artificial Intelligence and its expensive technology give the "not your average toy" vibe without even taking it for walks in the park. Aside from this, Aibo can learn traits and its personality will develop based on how interaction with humans.

Therefore, each Aibo is different from one another and it will react to praises from its owner, along with physical attention such as back scratches and pats on the head. They can learn a series of tricks as well from My Aibo app, which can allow the owner to give several commands that the dog will follow. With this, it is actually a must to teach them tricks like a real dog.

As expected, Sony will be releasing accessories that can go with the pricey pet. They will release a line of expensive toys, which are compatible and can be played by the pet. In addition, is linking it to the camera, store memories taken from Aibo's internal camera. What's good about its internal camera is that the owner can view it even the pet is away and can also read facial expressions from different people they face.

Robotic pets with AI abilities have been beyond our imagination, but now, it seems the world has coped up. While we are mesmerized by these new technological breakthroughs, the love and companionship of an actual dog are undeniably irreplaceable. Aibo may not be replacing household pets anytime soon, but there are always pros and cons.