People who bring their car to the body shop are the definite exercise of patience and limited expectations. However, Elon Musk wanted to break this perspective and give a new experience. He promises to turn the situation upside down with a turbocharged hustle that can happen within as little time as possible.

Musk, prominently known for being the Tesla CEO, Musk brought to Twitter on Sunday his desire to publicize the bodywork repairs and make it much easier for the owners. In his explanation, the 47-year-old wants Tesla bodywork to be under the roof of Tesla, instead of having customers wait for part shipment on third-party shops.

According to CNET's Road Show, Musk said on Twitter, "Tesla is bringing most collision repairs in-house, as outside firms take weeks to months for repairs, driving Tesla owners (and us) crazy." This was posted on Sept. 17, 2o18. The plan may look lofty as it sounds but the follow-up tweet has one incredible promise and that is to have collision repairs take under an hour.

In the same tweet, the Tesla CEO revealed that several Tesla collision centers are already finishing jobs in about less than a day. Seeing some Tesla collision repair operations completing the job within 24 hours is indeed a delight for the customers. As they aim for the same day accomplishment, soon it will be under an hour too.

Moreover, in the follow-up tweet, Musk expressed how the company's expertise with its own limited lineup may result in better and faster repairs. This is in opposition to the third party shops that must work on thousand of models. The inability to immediately supply the parts was reportedly the issue, not the repair shops itself.

While the outside repair shops are the jack of all trades, Tesla collision repair specializes in three aspects:

1. All supply parts are in stock.

2. Waiting for insurance approval is not a must.

3. Better and faster repair.

While this is a very tempting plan to pursue, one cannot avoid thinking that it will take some time. In the end, if things are properly executed, Tesla owners will only spend little time in waiting for repairs to be completed - either damage during the delivery or just an average issue.

On the other hand, not all people are in favor of Musk's reasoning and this placed the entire blame on the third party shops. For now, consumers can do nothing but wait on how Tesla can execute the earlier mentioned plans.