Linus Henze has long announced Safari's attachment to the potential exploit for iOS and macOS. He added how this threat affects devices with iOS 12.1 and below.

Henze was a known security researcher and developer for a long time. According to Tech News Watch, this surprising news was posted on Twitter and the people who were able to update their respective iPhones to iOS 12.1 feels the importance of learning a lot more about how they can protect the handsets.

It was fortunate that these users received good news from Min Zheng, who was also known as Spark. Zheng was described as a staff member at Alibaba and is a famous figure in the world of jailbreaking. He is claiming as well that the latest WebKit exploit could be useful for a remote jailbreak.

Most of the iPhone community members consider Min Zheng's recent statements as a sign that an iOS 12 jailbreak is possibly be coming soon. Linus reportedly shared the details last week how the bug identified within Safari for iOS and macOS works. Also, they explained how the devices can be affected by the latest version of iOS and below.

Meanwhile, community members are capable of seeing how the bug can act just the same to the RegEx on affected platforms. This exploit is something people should thank for and anyone who knows enough about the jailbreaking can make a performance in such a process. Therefore, the affected iOS devices could be "cleaned" directly from the affected browser, which is the Safari.

Zheng used Twitter to make another announcement only a few days after Linus' exploit. He explained that this information can be useful in performing a remote jailbreak. This could be the first proof showing the intention of Zheng to pioneer such a process, but nothing is confirmed yet.

Furthermore, the iPhone users expressed a lot of interest in the data presented by the jailbreak master. It cannot be denied that many questions were being asked and the moment, Zheng has not replied to any of them. Even so, the community looks forward to seeing an iOS 12 jailbreak as soon as possible.

One of Zheng's recent post on Twitter says, 'Note that POP technology was not created by us. We saw it in many public exploits and then summarize this code reuse attack technique for systematic study.' The main contribution of this talk is to build a defense mechanism for POP, not the attack part. Thanks."