Niantic has revealed more details about Pokemon Go Community Day. According to new reports, Community Day will feature Turtwig.

Turtwig is said to be a grass-type starter Pokemon hailing from the Sinnoh region. The community day will go live this upcoming Sunday, September 15. It will span three hours, from 11 am to 2 pm, local time zone.

Many Turtwigs will be spotted on Community Day. One particular Turtwig that can be spotted on the day is Shiny Turtwig. A shiny Turtwig can be differentiated from a normal Turtwig through its color only. The company also said that players could enjoy an exclusive move of Torterra. Every Grotle that will evolve during the said event can learn a move called "Frenzy Plant."

Frenzy Plant considered one of the most desired and most powerful Grass-type moves in the game. Torterra receiving the move makes it part of the higher tier of Grass-type counters.

The day will be made more exciting by the many bonuses that the company will give to players. In particular, players can enjoy a 3X Catch Stardust bonus. This means that for every catch, trainers can get three times the normal Stardust. According to Pokemon Go Hub, this is a good move of Niantic.

"To some extent we feel like Niantic knew that players won't be super excited about FP Torterra and added this bonus to keep participation levels high. If that's the case, we have nothing bad to say - an excellent move on their end," it wrote.

In another tweet, Niantic also gave more details about the September Legendary Raid Hours. According to the company, the raid hours will feature different special Pokemons - Raikou, Entei, Deoxys as well as Mewtwo. Legendary Raid Hours happen every Wednesday for an hour between 6 pm to 7 pm in the local timezone.  

In other news, Niantic promised to release a Generation 5 Pokemon in the game starting September 16. In the meantime, there are already many images being teased about this. In particular, two images have been shared about it. One looks like Snivy while the second one looks like Tepig. Fans are reportedly very excited about Generation 5 Pokemon already.

The Generation 5 Pokemon is said to be launched on the ongoing Ultra Bonus Event. Aside from the GEneration 5 Pokemon, the Ultra Bonus Event is also going to introduce a Shiny Mewtwo. In addition, the Pokemon from Unova Region, Klink, is set to appear in Raids. At the same time, players get to encounter Shiny Patrat and Shiny Lillipop on the said event.