The hotly-anticipated Sony PlayStation 5 was the subject of a recently leaked information that detailed the gaming console's supposed pricing and the timing of its commercial debut. However, Sony came out to declare that the details provided were unofficial but not necessarily inaccurate, meaning there were traces of truth that accompanied the shared info.

Sony said the details posted by a local website in Japan could be characterized as an "unofficial announcement," and added the company has no further comments on rumors or speculations about the PS5. Interestingly, the Japanese firm made no efforts to indicate that the leaked release date and pricing of the console amounted to falsehood.

According to BGR, the Japanese blog GamerGate claimed that the PS5 would be available for pre-order in March 2020, which is in line with the circulating rumors that Sony plans to hold an unveiling of the product February next year.

The actual release date will follow in the last month of 2020, precisely on December 4. It should be noted that this claim aligns with Sony's official announcement that the sequel to the PS4 will start selling within the holiday season of next year.

Then there is the claim that the PS5 will come with a starting price of roughly $640 for the variant boasting of 1TB storage space. For the 2TB model with a GPU, the asking price will be a little over $100. Again, Sony labeled these details as unofficial but did not attempt to make a case on their inaccuracies.

Considering the earlier confirmation from the device maker that the PS5 will hit the market bearing premium components - both custom CPU and GPU and an on-board high-speed SSD - it is not far-fetched that the next-gen gaming will be significantly pricier than the previous models.

However, Sony has also stated that the PS5 is designed as well to prompt users of the PS4 and earlier editions to make an upgrade move. And for that to happen, the company hinted that the PS5 would be accessible.

One can construe then that the leaked figures and Sony's actual pricing target are in the same neighborhood. When the PS5 is ready to buy, it's highly likely that the selling price will be at the mid-range level, at least for the base model. It will not be dirt-cheap but also not expensive.

Sony has so far managed to keep the lid on the most important details of the PS5. Until now, fans have no clear idea of how exactly the console will look like, but the new concept made by a super-fan offered a cool perspective.

Per the report from The Sun, the Sony PlayStation will sport "an unusual wedge-shaped design... [and] considerably thinner at the front than at the rear. Such an industrial design surely excites, but the confirmation will only come when the machine is finally unwrapped early next year.