This year, some games were originally expected to have 2020 versions of their titles. But with the COVID-19 pandemic paralyzing the whole world, game developers are facing several hurdles and doing so. One game that could see itself getting canceled is WWE 2K21.

Although most are rumors, seeing a 2020 version of WWE 2K's famed game may not happen at all. One person who suggested that WWE 2K21 may be canceled is Justin Leper who goes by the handle of ViolentLee on YouTube. According to him, reliable sources tell him that the next game installment has been canceled.

“I have heard from reliable sources and I truly believe that WWE 2K21 has been canceled. There will be no game this year,” Leeper said.

If true, it could be a blessing in disguise for WWE 2K21 game developers. It all goes back to the current edition, WWE 2K20. For those who got a copy of the game, most will agree that this version had a lot of bugs that came with it. WWE 2K did roll out several updates and fixes to address these but it remains that a lot of gamers remain disappointed. Proof of that is that the game drew poor ratings from gamers themselves.

For its part, WWE 2K21 does not have immediately known competitors in its niche. There is the word that AEW plans to launch its video game version although even that may be subject to change. Launching a new game title right now would make sense since a lot of people are restricted to their homes. But as far as making sure that it is bug-free is another matter.

For WWE 2K game developers, taking a year off could be daunting but something that may allow them to work on the chinks of the game. Rather than append the long list of complaints coming from their market, the lull could allow them to carefully work back on the bugs that WWE 2K20 had and look for ways to improve them.

Also, jumping a year allows game developers to come up with a better WWE 2K successor. Like most, the best game developers can do is put their creative minds to work and figure out how to make the game more appealing. Aside from the current complaints, they could take the initiative in determining which areas need addressing. With time to spare, WWE 2K could launch a redemption installment by 2021 until the COVID-19 pandemic is contained or subsides.