Making friends is not easy for everybody, but what's actually harder is maintaining the relationship. It requires a lot of thought and effort, which is more challenging these days because of social distancing guidelines.

Zoom has made it easier for us to communicate with friends online, but virtual dates will soon become mundane and will eventually lose their luster. Before that happens, make the extra effort of doing something fun with your friends or your significant other. Here are some ideas:

Personalized Trivia Game

Something interactive to do is to use an application to make your own trivia games. For example, lets users create their own game once they sign up for an account. Once you're done designing your own trivia, you can then share it and play with your friends while talking online.

Zoom Bingo

Game nights are still possible! You can do this with friends by printing out the same style of bingo cards and have one of you as a designated caller. Simply write out the numbers on the cards, shuffle them, and pull them one at a time.

You can also choose from among the many online bingo platforms online, which allows for multiple players to join. GamePoint Bingo from Youda Games is one good example, and Facebook's Instant Games' bingo option is fun too.


Playing charades never gets old. It's one game that presents a lot of fun without needing any materials to get a game going, and there's no limit as to how many people can join. Simply gather your friends over Zoom, choose your teams, and consult with each in individual chats to get the rounds going.

Pictionary with Zoom's Whiteboard Feature

Zoom has a whiteboard sharing feature that you can play Pictionary with. You can make up your own prompts or play with the actual game. To start playing with friends, make sure you have at least a 3.5.2 of the Zoom desktop client for Mac or 3.5.1 or higher for PC. For iPad users, you'll need a 2.5.3 or higher.

Drawful 2 by Jackbox Games

Jackbox Games is offering Drawful 2 through April 11 for free if you download the game with the Steam code here. Playing the game is pretty similar to Pictionary, except you and your friends will be challenged with weird drawing prompts like "creepy tiger" or "cotton candy hair."