WARNING: This article may contain spoilers for The Flash season 6 finale. Read at your own risk.

The Flash season 6 finale is scheduled to air this week on The CW, with the title "Success Is Assured." Within this episode, Eva McCulloch will enter the real world and getting ready for a battle with Joseph Carver. They'll be a big part of the season finale, with Eva going full Mirror Master/Mirror Mistress.

In an interview with Entertainment Weekly, Efrat Dor, who plays Eva, has something to say about her character going full Mirror Master in The Flash season 6 finale. She said Eva will be in a full Mirror Master suit, something that was deeply thought out.

Dor noted they've put so much work and heart into that suit, so she's hoping fans would be satisfied with Eva coming into her "Mirror Mastress" look. She added that there's a lot of beautifully shot action stuff with her wearing the suit and Eva is getting very strong.

The question now is whether or not Eva is fully evil. The answer to that is quite complicated, as she's capable of doing bad things but she doesn't see herself as evil. Eva is working and operating with a very particular plan, something that's getting close to happening.

Dor said Eva is just trying to correct things. She's passionate about her work and wants to make the world a better place through her technology and the things she built to help humankind. Yet, Joseph betrayed her in the worst way. She's not after revenge, instead, she wants to stop him for what he's doing.

Meanwhile, Dor also shared this wouldn't be her final appearance in the series. We're going to see some of her stories playing out once the new season returns. Also, there are still a lot of loose ends that needed to be addressed, such as the Reverse Flash's status and presence of Ramsey Rosso/Bloodwork.

The Flash season 6 finale also sees Barry saving his wife Iris from the Mirrorverse. He'll do whatever he can to get her back, but he recognized the danger along the way. Barry considers a risky plan to rescue Iris, but the promo shows that saving his wife is harder than he anticipates.

Despite the potential danger, Barry is determined to get Iris out of the Mirrorverse before it's too late. Although this is challenging, the Team Flash will probably help him with this particular mission. Since this is the season finale, there could be huge cliffhangers with these stories.

The Flash season 6 finale arrives on Tuesday night, May 12, on The CW.