Online hackers, named REvil, warned to release all of President Donald Trump's "dirty laundry" if he does not give their demand of huge amount of money. These hackers are, reportedly, asking for a whopping $42 million, which needs to be paid before the week ends, in exchange for their silence.

The online hackers threatened to unveil unpleasing information about Donald Trump. Part of their threat is if these things come out, it may affect his wish to win the upcoming 2020 election.

According to Celebrity Insider, these hackers revealed that they were holding "tons of dirty laundry" about the POTUS, and the voters would never like it. People who love Melania Trump's husband may have a change of heart and may, potentially, not vote for him if this sensitive information leaks.

They even warned that they planned to release negative details about the former television personality slowly and gradually over time. They also cautioned that they would start with the safest information first until they get to the dirtiest.

However, people's reaction over the issue is quite mixed. Some said it is just "mere blind threats. Others are even confident that Donald Trump can get through this, as he can avoid even "the most catastrophic scandals" from his first presidential campaign in 2016 until today.

Meanwhile, the high-profile New York law firm, Grubman, Shire, Meiselas & Sacks, P.C., which was targeted by the hackers, confirmed it had never worked with the 45th U.S. President. However, according to CNN, it admitted it had been hacked after the hackers warned to release damaging information about the country's leader.

The conglomerate, which works with the most famous celebrities, said that Donald Trump has never been its client. It also added that no evidence could prove that REvil has negative information about him.

The firm's spokesperson confirmed that the hackers were asking for $42 million ransom, or else they would release some of its private documents. But, as company now works with the FBI, it has no intention to pay any amount to heed on their demand.

Although Donald Trump has never been their client, the spokesperson explained that leaking out their clients' private documents is an obnoxious and illegal thing to do. What these foreign cyberterrorists are doing is a form of attack to make a living by attempting to extort high-profile U.S. companies, government entities, entertainers, politicians, and other personalities. Companies and the government across the country have often been victims of these hackers, but even though they pay the lump sum amount, their sensitive information still gets leaked.