WARNING: This article may contain spoilers for Hightown episode 3. Read at your own risk.

Hightown episode 3 is arriving later this week on Starz, with the title "Rebellion Dogs." Things get even more intense as the freshman series progresses, with Jackie doing whatever she can to solve the case. She's an unlikely hero, but she's capable of doing a lot of things in her own way.

In Hightown episode 3, Jackie will go back to the rehabilitation. This is a part of her plan so she could continue with her investigation. Her life turned upside down after discovering a dead body, which puts her personal and professional life at risk.

Despite that, Jackie is still determined to find out what really happened. In this week's episode, we're going to see her proceeding with her next move. Yet, she recognized that doing this wouldn't be that easy, so she'll probably need some help from others.

Jackie is in a tight position and she's also far out of her jurisdiction. Within this episode, she decided to receive treatment just so she could continue with her investigation. This is not easy for her, but she knows this move could help her uncover some secrets surrounding the case.

The murder case is the center of everything this season, though it may not be solved within this episode. Perhaps, Jackie will find more things about it, leading to more mysteries. And as the series goes on, expect more twists and turns along the way.

As for what else is coming in Hightown episode 3, Ray will continue showing his flaws. In the synopsis, he begins closing in on Osito, but at the same time, he and Renee will cross the line. As for Junior, he's ready to take the first time to become a soldier.

Hightown is a freshman series on Starz but has shown its potential. The first two episodes show that the series could expand and deliver more stories in the future. Yet, since it's still a new show, it remains to be seen whether it's coming back for more seasons or not.

The series follows the life of Jackie, who discovers a dead body and this incident has changed her life. She can be determined, yet stubborn when she wants to. But, she also tends to fail sometimes when figuring out what she really wanted with her life.

Hightown episode 3 airs on Sunday night, May 31, on Starz.