Donald Trump, recently, shared a statement on social media about his golf activities. As stated, he has seemingly continued to defend his "leisure time" against critics.

In his post, he shared that he knows a lot of people who "work out endlessly," adding that this has become their "number one passion." However, "nobody complains," the U.S. President began.

He, then, continued to assert that his golf activities, which he does "almost never during the week," are his main exercise. In the end, he deemed it "not bad" as he, reportedly, gets a "lot of work done," as well as a "tiny bit of exercise."

The point of his post seemingly aimed to defend this with the use of comparisons between his and the former President Barack Obama's golfing. But, an analyst from CNN said that Donald Trump's use of the word, "exercise," several times in his post reminded of his "battery theory."

In the same report, the analyst went on to explain the incumbent U.S. President's "weirdest" theory. He, reportedly, argues that a person is born with a "finite amount of energy," just "like a battery."

This theory was further explained in detail in Michael Kranish and Marc Fisher's book titled, Trump Revealed, according to Vox. As explained, Trump came to see that playing sports is a waste of time after college.

In his belief that the human body "was like a battery," which has a finite amount of energy, he, reportedly, takes that exercising would only "deplete" it. Accordingly, Donald Trump sees exercising as a "bad" activity for a person as it would only drain the "life battery." This is why he did not work out, the authors added.

There was also a time in the past when he, reportedly, learned that one of his casino executives, John O'Donnell, was training for the Ironman triathlon. Donald Trump "admonished" him, stating that he is going to "die young" because of it, the book claimed.

Back in 2015, the then-Presidential hopeful did not "dedicate" any time to break a sweat, as per the New York Times profile of him. This is, reportedly, due to his belief that exercising is "harmful."

In it, Donald Trump also said that he did not have any "special diet" or "exercise regimen," the source explained. He also went on to share that he has friends "who work out all the time." But, they are a "disaster," Trump described.