A recent study reveals that there is no proven connection between real-life violence or aggressive behavior and video games. Over the years, parents have been discouraging their children from playing violence-themed games, believing that these could influence their behavior. But, based on the recent research, it has no proven link after all.

The latest study was published in Royal Society Open Science conducted by Aaron Drummond of Massey University. According to the study, the current research could not support the hypothesis that violent video games have a long-term predictive impact on youth aggression. The research analyzed 28 independent samples and arrived at this conclusion.

The study is another piece of evidence that could disprove allegations that M-rated games like "Doom Eternal," "Mortal Kombat," and "Grand Theft Auto V" have a violent impact on gamers. Additionally, the latest study makes the case that despite almost four decades of research, scholars, until now, has not reached a consensus on the impact of violent video games on the youth's aggressive behavior. The proponents of research contend that analysis of the short-term effects of aggressive game content on player's aggression has produced inconsistent results.

This is not the first time that researchers conducted a study on the impact of video games with violent content on the youth's aggressive behavior. Multiple studies of a similar subject over the years have failed to pinpoint the substantial connection between video game violence and real-life violence. The American Psychological Association (APA) released a similar conclusion earlier this year.

According to APA President Sandra Shullman, these kinds of allegations about video games shift attention from tested and proven predictors of violence like past violence history. Although this kind of study could offer vindication for the video game industry, it is still unlikely that this could change some people's perception of the matter. Video games are often blamed for violent acts is because it is easier to blame compared to other issues in society.

Interestingly, perceptions of the public towards video games also evolved over the years. Before playing video games was just a hobby, but today it is a major part of the mainstream pop culture. The introduction of games on mobile phones also opened the opportunity for other gamers who could not afford gaming consoles to enjoy good games on smartphones. Lockdowns implemented in almost all regions all over the world also triggered the rise in interest in terms of playing games.

While the industry could not totally eradicate the stigma about violent games and real-life violence, the latest research could somehow slowly change other people's concept about video games.