The Flash season 7 is not expected to premiere until next year on The CW. Despite the delay, the series has been releasing posters of several characters, with Candice Patton's Iris West-Allen at the center of everything in the first poster. Now, a new poster features Grant Gustin's character, Barry Allen.

Recently, the official Twitter account of the series shared a new poster of The Flash season 7 to announce the upcoming DC FanDome event, which will be held on Saturday, Aug. 22. The image features Barry, with the caption "the fastest man alive."

Just like Iris' poster, the image molds together the comic book origin of the titular character and where he is right now. Although the series isn't dropping its new episodes until 2021, producers are finding ways to promote the show as earlier as they could to make sure viewers as still there.

More details about the new installment will be unveiled in the upcoming DC FanDome event. However, since filming hasn't started yet, there won't be too much footage to be presented. There's no definite timetable as to when production could begin but it is expected to kick off in the coming weeks or months.

When The Flash season 7 premieres, more battles are coming between Barry and Eva McCulloch (Efrat Dor) a.k.a. the Mirror Mistress. In addition, there are a few episodes left in the previous installment that weren't filmed. So, this storyline will continue moving forward.

Eva could be one of the biggest threats for Barry in the early run of the new season and he might need the help of Team Flash to defeat this villain. Furthermore, he needs to save his wife, Iris, who was stuck in the Mirrorverse for too long now.

The season 6 finale left a huge question regarding Iris' fate since she's still trapped in the Mirrorverse. What's even more concerning is that the recently-released poster featuring the character comes with a caption "heroes will be reborn."

Perhaps, her time at the Mirrorverse changed her and how she views things. Some even speculated that she could be the new Mirror Mistress since Eva managed to escape from that universe. Hence, Barry needs to do whatever he can to get his wife back in their world before it's too late.

When this story wraps up, the story will transition into everything that's originally planned for The Flash season 7. We could see new Big Bad coming on board, along with more mysteries moving forward. There could be unexpected twists and turns and plenty of surprises once the new installment arrives.

The Flash season 7 premieres at some point in 2021 on The CW.