The easiest way for men to be healthy and strong is not to consume a diet that is primarily based on meat and potatoes, even though both foods can be part of a balanced diet.

Most men prefer to key in on protein foods and pay less attention to other substitutes, such as vegetables and foods high in fiber. But men require more than protein to fuel good health; they need at least 2 1/2 cups of vegetables, 2 cups of fruit, and 30 to 38 grams of fiber a day - nutrition goals that few men meet.

Here are foods that can support men much longer to stay healthier.


Blueberries, whether fresh or frozen, contain potent antioxidants that help mitigate the damage to DNA that leads to cancer growth. Blueberries are also one of the safest things to consume to help maintain memory and cognitive skills over time, alongside their anti-cancer ability. Plus, about 4 grams of much-needed fiber is given by a cup of berries.

Plain Greek yogurt

Over the course of 20 to 30 years, a study that followed over 180,000 people showed that those that were daily yogurt eaters had a 16% reduced chance of high blood pressure relative to those who preferred to eat yogurt less than once a month.

Participants recorded a 30% lower risk of high blood pressure when yogurt was used in a DASH dietary regimen that supports a balanced consumption of fruits and vegetables, along with whole grains.

It should be noted that in the study, yogurt eaters usually had healthy diets, with fewer red and refined meats and sugary drinks; however, because yogurt is abundant in nutrients that reduce blood pressure, such as calcium, researchers say that it possibly offers additional benefits.


According to Spanish researchers, adding a couple of handfuls of nuts to your regular diet could help boost your sex life. In the study, compared with those eating the traditional American diet, which is much lower in nuts, nut eaters registered better orgasms and greater sexual desire.

Other research has shown that nuts increase the quality of sperm, which may result in improved fertility. In both cases, these advantages are believed to be produced by the form of safe fat and high antioxidant levels in nuts.


According to the Centers for Disease Control (CDC), the omega-3s in salmon tend to lower the risk of heart disease, the leading killer of American men. You're not only scoring valuable omega-3s, iron, and zinc by opting to eat fish twice a week, but also restricting those forms of less nutritious protein, such as red meat and dried meats, which guys frequently opt after.