The cover of the latest Charlie Hebdo magazine has sparked outrage in Turkey, leading to the subject of the new cartoon to express his condemnation.

Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdogan, who was the subject of the cartoon, accused the magazine of promoting hate and animosity.

Charlie Hebdo published its latest edition with a cover depicting Erdogan sat in a chair in his underwear and with his tongue out lifting the skirt of a woman wearing an Islamic dress. The cartoon has escalated tensions between France and Turkey, which began after French President Emmanuel Macron reaffirmed the country's stance in protecting free speech.

Macron's statements indicating his stance against radical Islamism came after the beheading of a French teacher who had shown his free speech students a caricature of the Prophet Mohammed. In Islam, depictions or drawings of the Prophet are considered sacrilegious and blasphemous.

The incident ignited worldwide criticism from majorly Muslim countries, who argue that Macron's stance was a direct attack against their religion. France has vowed to eradicate extremists in the country and stood by its mission to defend the country and its citizen's freedom of expression.

The same caricature of the Prophet Mohammed that was shown by the murdered teacher was the same one published by Charlie Hebdo, which had led to an attack on its office and staff in 2015. The attack, which was perpetrated by two armed men, led to the deaths of 12 people.

In response to the latest edition of its magazine, Erdogan called Charlie Hebdo a "dishonorable" publication. The president's office also said on social media that the magazine had "no respect" for their faith.

"My sadness and anger does not stem from the disgusting attack on my person but from the fact that the same (publication) is the source of the impertinent attack on my dear Prophet," Erdogan said during a meeting with his ruling party's legislators.

Turkish vice president Fuat Oktay also went on social media to condemn the magazine, stating how the country condemns its action. Posts, statements, and publications insulting the Turkish president are considered a crime in Turkey. Those found guilty can face a punishment of up to four years in prison.