Every new season in "Call of Duty Mobile" is a new chance for each player to test his skills, abilities and mastery of the game. Season 12 recently went live and it features the Undead and night time maps. Here are some useful tips and tricks that players could use in the game's latest season.

Master Your Weapon

When entering into a "Call of Duty Mobile" battle royale match, it is essential that players are equipped with the perfect weapon set up; the same goes when fighting the Undead. When a player wants to take down a Zombie hot spot, it is crucial to use a primary weapon that has a high fire rate.

Essentially, a submachine gun or an assault rifle would work well in this kind of set up. For the player's secondary weapon, a shotgun could be a prime choice. The powerful weapon allows players to take two Zombies with just one shot. This is very helpful, especially when the player is in a tight situation.

Aside from the primary and secondary weapon, it is also essential for "Call of Duty Mobile" players to determine the kind of Gunsmith they have. This way, when swapping between the primary and secondary weapons, they know whether to prioritize aiming down sights or hip-fire.

Be Mindful Of Your Surroundings

It is impossible to have a pair of eyes at the back of one's head, but it crucial when taking down the Undead. It is worth noting that if players are not sure where the Zombies are, the best guess is that they are probably right behind them. Also, Zombies attack once the players' back is turned.

So it is wise always to check one's six regularly to make sure an ambush is not going to happen. Moreover, dying Zombies in the "Call of Duty Mobile" attack from behind usually get caught out, forgetting this fact.

Know Your Ammo Count And When to Reload

In addition to those earlier mentioned, another important tip when taking down Zombies in "Call of Duty Mobile" is knowing one's, ammo count. No player would want to enter into a battle with a horde of Zombies with a low ammo count. Therefore, before facing the Undead, make sure weapons are loaded, and ammo count is more than enough to survive the destructive attack.

It is also important to know the right timing to reload. "Call of Duty Mobile" players could do this by reloading regularly. Make it a habit to reload after clearing a big horde, a point where the next approaching wave is clearly visible.