Communication is vital in "Among Us," particularly for Impostors, as much of the deception can be done through discussions. To raise the excitement and challenge in the social deduction game, some players discovered a way to create a custom mini-game called Small Talk, where players' discussion and words are limited. Here are the settings, rules, and steps on how to play the Small Talk Mode in "Among Us."

"Among Us" Small Talk Rules

Almost everything in "Among Us" is the same in the custom mini-game mode Small Talk. Impostors are allowed to sabotage the map and kill crewmates. Meanwhile, Crewmates function the same as the classic game.

In the Small Talk mode, crewmates could still fix sabotages, report bodies, and complete tasks. They can also call for Emergency Meetings, but the duration of the meeting, the time between meetings, and the number of players to appear in the game depend on the lobby host.

The main objective of the Small Talk mode is for players to use their words like a currency. Players are only allowed to say five words in the duration of the game. In other words, if a player used three words to reveal the Impostor, they only have two more words left to say for the remainder of the game.

This rule applies to all meetings, including Emergency Meetings, as well as for text and voice chat. To enforce the limited word use, if any player uses more than five words, other players should vote that player out immediately. Ghosts are not allowed to talk too.

"Among Us" Small Talk Settings

Players can still use most of the default in-game settings of "Among Us" in Small Talk mode. In fact, there are no settings that could affect this custom mode. The only thing that players should discuss before the game starts is about Anonymous Voting.

Players should turn Anonymous Voting in. When this happens, players would not be able to see who voted whom. Additionally, it limits the players' ability to communicate through their vote. It is also difficult for Impostors to frame a crewmate and difficult for crewmates to call out an Impostor.

Since this is a custom mode, "Among Us" players can tweak the format of the game to suit their group. They could further restrict the number of words players could say during the game to increase the level of challenge. They can reset these numbers of words after every meeting to make the game a little bit easier.