Cheese has a negative stigma stuck to it when it comes to weight loss. It's usually one of the first foods to appear on the banned list, so it's time for that to change. 

Studies suggest that eating more than three servings of dairy daily will reduce the risk of obesity and metabolic syndrome. So let the good news soak in and enjoy one of the top four kinds of cheese that won't ruin your weight loss plan!


Packed with nutrients, especially calcium and phosphorus, both of which are essential for bone health. In addition, hard cheeses such as parmesan appear to be lower in fat and higher in protein (about 9 grams per serving), and although they can also be higher in salt, the appeal of cheeses such as parm is that a little bit of it goes a long way.

Parmesan aging also greatly decreases the lactose content of the cheese; making it a healthy choice for people with lactose-related GI symptoms.


As a semi-hard cheese made from cow's milk, Swiss is a good choice for those looking for a lower fat and sodium cheese. Bear in mind that the brands will differ, but if you prefer this cheese with a lower sodium level, look for those with a sodium content of 140 mg or less per serving.

It's also richer in vitamin B12 than most other cheeses that are essential to the overall cell, muscle, and nerve function-and you'll only get around 20% of your daily calcium value! We love this classic sandwich or mixed with fruit for a tasty snack. Each slice is around 100 calories, so it's a great pick-me-up in the afternoon.


This softer, less-aged cheese contains less salt than the harder, aged cheese, which makes it less sodium-rich (most are less than 10 percent of the recommended daily intake of sodium).

At 200 mg of calcium per serving, it is also a nutrient-packed cheese that acts as a great source of bone-building minerals and offers up to 8 grams of protein per serving of 1 ounce. Apply some mozz to the salads, as a topping of soups, burgers, or omelets, or a couple of tomatoes and fresh basil with some olive oil for a wonderful Caprese salad.


An Italian cheese made from cow, goat, sheep, or buffalo milk, ricotta cheese includes mainly whey protein, which contains all the essential amino acids. Whey protein has also been found to support muscle development and can assist in the control of weight as well as in the health of the heart.