My Hero Academia Chapter 303, titled "Top 3," will return to the present time after revealing the Todoroki family's origin story. Now that the new episode's leaks are out, fans have an idea what may happen next in the series.

Twitter user Atsu dropped My Hero Academia Chapter 303 summary. Here, it revealed Hawks and Best Jeanist would be meeting the Todoroki family after eavesdropping on their talk in the previous chapter.

According to International Business Times, the two will tell the Todorokis they hear everything they said about Dabi's past and apologize for doing so. They then reveal they want to join Endeavor in his battle against his son.

Best Jeanist then says they are trying to know more things about Dabi's resentment toward their family. Later, Hawks tells Endeavor the aftermath of the recent Great War against the villains, from the heroes' condition to the chaotic Tartarus prison break to the wandering High-end Nomus.

From here, Endeavor now knows that the Hero Commission has stopped operating as the members are either dead or injured. Despite these issues, Hawks assures the No. 1 Pro Hero that they get the public's support in their fight against the League of Villains in My Hero Academia Chapter 303.

He also guarantees Endeavor that he and Best Jeanist are ready to fight with him. With all this happening, Endeavor needs to address the public to know the real deal after Dabi's recent outburst.

In addition, BlockToro noted Japan would be asking for other countries' help to send in their heroes and rescue teams. However, due to the public security suspension, the move has been delayed.

But, the text's double spread for this sequence shows a silhouette of Elecoplant, who was part of the Two Heroes movie. In the film, All Might was in America, which seemed to hint at the American heroes' coming in My Hero Academia Chapter 303.

Elsewhere, Hawks will be asking One for All, "what is it?" Iida, Tsu, and Uraraka will be then seen waiting outside Deku's hospital room.

They are along with another individual, who is quite hard to determine. Jirou is talking to Iida, and she, Tokoyami, and Kaminari are now fine and can leave the hospital.

However, Deku remains unconscious, though he is glowing. All Might then say Deku is talking to his "predecessors."

These and more can be seen when My Hero Academia Chapter 303 drops on Sunday, February 28, per Devdiscourse.

What do you expect to happen in Hawks, Best Jeanist, and Endeavor's fight against Dabi in My Hero Academia Chapter 303? Share your comments below.