Fans are about to witness a heated battle between Hawkins and Killer in One Piece Chapter 1012. The Wano Country arc continuously gets intense, especially now that Big Mom has changed ally.

As Big Mom seems to be against Kaido, the Beast Pirates and his subordinates this time, what does it mean for the male Yonko? The Worst Generation, too, is busy with their own series of battles and fans will see Killer getting into a match of his own in One Piece Chapter 1012.

According to Comicbook, Big Mom's decision to side with the Straw Hat Pirates gives Killer the chance to find a new opponent. He no longer has to look after Linlin Charlotte anymore, as he lets Kids to do the work.

He now has his eyes on Hawkins after he shows up before Killer and Kid after Big Mom's explosive bout. These two will go on a one-on-one fight, putting their bad blood on the surface.

Killer tells Hawkins to go to hell as he doesn't need a single ounce of his luck. Though the latter feels the rage to begin the fight, it is no match to the grudge Killer is holding against him after betraying them back to the Dressrosa arc.

Hawkins joins Kaido's side after Apoo sold them down the river. Now, One Piece Chapter 1012 is about to feature how Killer will take his revenge against Hawkins.

In One Piece Chapter 1011, Big Mom attacked Kid and Killer with her new home's power, Fulgora, IBTimes noted. Zeus, alternatively, managed to set himself free and Law caught him before Big Mom called him back.

The Supernova moved Zoro and Zeus away from the roof to leave Luffy alone to fight Kaido. Big Mom's attack hit the side of Onigashima Dome, blew Kid and Killer away and left a huge hole.

Kid and Killer looked for Big Mom to stop her from getting on the rooftop to join Kaido. However, they met Kaido's minion and Hawkins instead.

Kid called Hawkins a traitor for siding with the Beast Pirates captain. From here, Killer decided to take Hawkins alone and asked Kid to find Big Mom instead.

Hawkins was 92% convinced that Killer would die. The latter refused his claim and said he believed in his ability than his predictions.

Fans are about to witness their battle to continue in One Piece Chapter 1012, which will drop on Sunday, May 9. There will be no chapter coming out this week as the manga is on a break due to the Golden Week holidays in Japan.

Who do you think will win between Hawkins and Killer in One Piece Chapter 1012? Share your comments below.