A petition on Change.org calling for $2,000 stimulus payments per month until the pandemic is over is approaching 3 million signatures. That's just one example of how folks all around the country are eagerly anticipating a new payout. And owing to California's stimulus check efforts, some of them will be able to do so as soon as this week.

Residents of the Golden State are receiving stimulus funds worth up to $1,100. Direct deposits were first made towards the end of October, followed by paper checks. The latter process began on Nov. 1, so if you haven't already, you should be receiving one this week.

The tax rebate that California is offering is considered to be the largest in U.S. history. As part of California's Golden State Stimulus II program, about 70% of the state's population is projected to receive a check for at least $600.

The first round of payments totaled 600,000 dollars. At the end of August, they were mailed to eligible California citizens. In the meantime, a second batch of cheques was mailed to around 2 million California residents. They're now just going out every two weeks. For many citizens of the state, the payouts are akin to a fourth stimulus check.

This is also happening against the backdrop of a child tax credit initiative that is still in the works. This is causing waves of monthly payments to be distributed to Americans across the country, not just in California.

To that end, the final child tax credit payment is just a few days away - on Nov. 15. The final payment in the six-check series is due on Dec. 15.

These checks provide a few hundred dollars to parents of eligible children. The Biden administration has advocated for a one-year extension of these checks to be included in the stalled Build Back Better legislation. What happens if this provision is included in the bill? The monthly payments of $250 and $300 per qualified child would continue until 2022.

The eligibility requirements would very certainly remain the same. However, the ultimate passage of the legislation is still pending, and the details could change.