Every bite counts, even the small ones between meals, for those with high cholesterol levels. Although you may think that snacks are the way to go, eating at regular intervals is also important for maintaining a healthy blood sugar level and keeping your metabolism going throughout the day. As long as you choose properly, snacking is also a great method to include meals that can help you lower your cholesterol.

Here are five deliciously healthful snacks that are also great for your heart.


Almonds, walnuts, and peanuts are heart-healthy foods. Some studies have also discovered that nuts have a much lower LDL cholesterol content. For heart health, the American Heart Association recommends 1⁄4 cup of nuts a day.


If you're looking for a simple approach to lower your cholesterol, simply add a bowl of oats to your daily diet. The soluble fiber in oatmeal helps to "soak up" cholesterol and move it through the body without being absorbed. When you have high cholesterol, oatmeal is a good choice whether for breakfast or as a quick snack.

Homemade Potato Chips

When it comes to keeping high cholesterol under control, most seem to believe that potato chips should be avoided-and while it's true that if cholesterol is a problem, it's better to avoid the grease-and-salt-covered, fried snack that we all know and love. Potatoes are low in calories, high in fiber, and high in potassium, a mineral that helps to regulate blood pressure.

Make your own potato chips if you can and stick to the baked variety. Before baking, season with extra virgin olive oil and herbs like rosemary.


Popcorn can be low in calories if you consume a little portion and avoid butter and salt. And it's a fiber-rich whole grain. Air pop it at home and top with olive oil, spices, or parmesan cheese for more flavor. Using olive oil instead of butter lowers LDL cholesterol while increasing HDL cholesterol.


Do you need a quick snack on the go? Take a bite of an apple. Fruit can help with sugar cravings and is a great snack if you have high cholesterol because it contains a lot of pectin, fiber, and potassium. Aim for three to four servings of fruit per day (one serving is just half of a cup).

It's often challenging to incorporate healthy snacks into your regular routine. If you have a health concern like high cholesterol, though, it's crucial to choose healthy snacks over those with more fat or sugar. Cholesterol levels can be improved or maintained by the foods you eat. Just keep in mind that most healthy snacks require some time to prepare.