Fans are already looking forward to seeing "One Piece" Chapter 1072, though Chapter 1071 is yet to come. With the many intense turn of events happening in the "Egghead Island" arc, readers can't contain themselves to predict what will come next.

That said, here are five major events that may happen in "One Piece" Chapter 1072 that fans want to see. From Vegapunk's mysterious ally to the introduction of the island of Elbaf, there will be several surprises coming.

Vegapunk's Mysterious Ally

In the list by SportsKeeda, it topped the revelations with the introduction of Vegapunk's mysterious ally in the upcoming Chapter 1072. Sure, many theories are now circulating online about this mysterious individual, but there's no evidence that can prove their real identity.

The Real Bartholomew Kuma

Another revelation that may be seen in "One Piece" Chapter 1072 is the arrival of the real Bartholomew Kuma, confirming that he's still alive and is yet to turn into a cyborg completely. There are theories that Vegapunk gives the Celestial Dragons a true Pacifista model, hiding Kuma away on Egghead Island, and may finally come out when the right time comes.

Garp's Plan to Attack Blackbeard

Garp is probably planning to attack Blackbeard to rescue Koby. In fact, the Chapter 1071 spoilers confirm this claim, and it may finally begin in Chapter 1072.

The Revelation of SWORD Leader

Another revelation "One Piece" Chapter 1072 may make is unveiling the true SWORD leader and its hierarchy. Koby and Helmeppo are both known as part of the group, fueling the theories that Garp is maybe its leader.

The Introduction of Elbaf

Fans may finally see Elbaf. As Kid is about to arrive on the island in Chapter 1071, it will be the first time that a known character from the series will visit this place.

Meanwhile, the schedule for the manga's January releases has been revealed. Sadly, only two chapters will be out this month.

Aside from the holiday breaks, creator Eiichiro Oda may also take personal breaks, delaying new chapters' releases. After a two-week break, "One Piece" Chapter 1071 will finally be out on Saturday, January 7.

From there, another one-week break will follow, and "One Piece" Chapter 1072 will drop on Sunday, January 22, instead. However, this schedule may change without prior notice. It's also said that it's not yet final and may still be adjusted, so "One Piece" Chapter 1073 may still be out in the same month.