Meghan Markle has emerged victorious in the defamation lawsuit filed against her by her half-sister, Samantha Markle. Samantha, 58, accused the Duchess of Sussex of making "demonstrably false and malicious statements" during her and Prince Harry's explosive March 2021 interview with Oprah Winfrey. Samantha sought $75,000 in damages, claiming that Meghan's comments about growing up as an only child caused her "humiliation and hatred."
However, on Thursday, a Florida judge dismissed the lawsuit, stating that Meghan's remarks were opinions and "not capable of being proved false." US District Judge Charlene Edwards Honeywell explained in her order, "As a reasonable listener would understand it, Defendant merely expresses an opinion about her childhood and her relationship with her half-siblings."
Honeywell continued, "Thus, the Court finds that Defendant's statement is not objectively verifiable or subject to empirical proof. Plaintiff cannot plausibly disprove Defendant's opinion of her own childhood."
Samantha, who shares a father with Meghan, alleged that the Duchess concocted a "false 'rags-to-royalty' narrative" about her life to impress the Royal Family and the global media. Samantha's attorney, Peter Ticktin, argued that Meghan lied about her upbringing and sought to discredit her half-sister and estranged father to cover her tracks.
Ticktin questioned, "Why else is she putting her sister down? Why else is she putting her father down? Why else is she denying her family who has done nothing but good to her all her life?" He maintained that Meghan's "false narrative" harmed his client.
Meghan's attorney, Michael Kump, countered that Samantha had no basis for a defamation lawsuit. He labeled the claims made by Samantha and her attorney "quite frankly offensive to my client" and called for the case's dismissal.
Kump argued that Meghan's impressions of her own childhood should not be the subject of a court of law, stating, "Not every perceived slight ought to be litigated and that's true here." He also emphasized that the Duchess and former "Suits" actress has a right to express opinions "and even criticize" under the First Amendment.
The contentious relationship between Meghan and Samantha dates back years, with Meghan accusing Samantha and their father, Thomas Markle, of selling stories to the British tabloids. Meanwhile, Samantha continues to criticize Meghan and Prince Harry as the couple releases documentaries and memoirs.